Peel Thorough Qualitative Research Method
Part 1
Understanding Qualitative Research Method
There are errors of understanding in society that are named as research activities are patterned survey research. Plus there is another understanding that research is correct if you use a list of questions and data was analyzed using statistical techniques. This understanding is developed due to the strong influence of flow positivistic quantitative research methods.
There are two groups of research methods in social science research methods ie methods of quantitative and qualitative research. In between these two methods often arise in the debate around issues of research methodology. Each trying to maintain power flow method
One argument put forward by the methods of qualitative research is the uniqueness of human or social phenomena that can not be analyzed with methods borrowed from exact science.
Emphasis on qualitative research methods of observation in the field of research methods and data was analyzed by non-statistical way, although not always have to deny the use of numbers
Qualitative research is more emphasis on the use of self of the researcher as a tool. Researchers must be able to reveal the social phenomena in the field by deploying all inderawinya function. Thus, researchers must be received by the respondent and the environment to be able to uncover the hidden data through the language and speech, body language, gestures and expressions in the developing world and environments of respondents.
Paradigm of research method
There are two methods of thinking in the development of knowledge, the method developed by Aristotle's deductive and inductive methods developed by Francis Bacon's. Deductive method is a method of thinking that stems from things in general or the theory leads to specific things or reality. While the inductive method is the opposite. In implementation, these methods are needed in research.
Research activities require a clear method. In this case there are two methods of research, namely qualitative and quantitative methods. Quantitative methods are considered initially qualified as a method of assessment is good, because using the tools or instruments for specific symptoms mengakur and statistically processed. But in its development, data processing form of numbers and mathematical truth can not be explained conclusively. Therefore used qualitative methods which were considered to explain the phenomenon or phenomena in a complete and thorough.
Each study holding on to a certain paradigm. Be no longer the dominant paradigm with the emergence of a new paradigm. At first people look at that what is happening is natural. Researchers are passive and have left to give the meaning of what happened, and without wanting to try to change. This period is called the pre-positivism.
After that, there are new view, namely that the researchers were able to deliberately make changes in the surrounding world by conducting various experiments, hence arises the scientific method. During this period called positivism.
Positivism in its growth outlook was rebutted by the new establishment, called post-positivism. Establishment of post-positivism is dergan opposite of positivism. Can be said that post-positivism as a reaction against positivism. In the opinion of post-positivism, the truth is not only one but more complex, so can not be bound by one particular theory.
In this study, three methods are known in chronological sequence the method pre-positivism, positivism, and post-positivism.
Qualitative Research Characteristics
Qualitative research differs from other studies. To identify these differences there are 15 characteristics of qualitative research:
In qualitative research data collected in the original or natural conditions (natural settings).
Researchers as a research tool, meaning that the researcher as the primary means of collecting data with the data collection method based on observations and interviews
In qualitative research sought descriptive data collection which was then written in the report. Data obtained from this research in the form of words, pictures, and not a number.
Qualitative research is more concerned with process than results, meaning in data collection are often concerned results and consequences of the various variables that influence each other.
Background behavior or acts sought meaning. Therefore, it is what lies behind human behavior is essential for qualitative research. Prioritize the data directly, or "first hand". Qualitative research demands as much as possible to researchers to conduct their own research activities in the field.
In qualitative research triangulation method is used extensively by both tringulasi methods and triangulation of data sources.
Importance of contextual details. Researchers collect and record data in great detail on matters that are considered related to the problem is being investigated.
The subjects under study are equal to the researchers, so not as an object or a lower position.
Prioritize emic perspective, ie concerned with the views of respondents, ie how he looked, and interpreting the world and in terms of establishment.
Verification. Application of this method, among others, through the case to the contrary or negative.
Purposive sampling. Qualitative methods use small samples and selected according to objective research.
Using the "audit trail". The method is intended to include methods of collecting and analyzing data.
Entered into the analysis since the beginning of the study. The data obtained were analyzed immediately, followed by a search again and analyzed the data, and so forth until considered to achieve adequate results.
The theory is from the bottom. With the data obtained from research in the field can be formulated conclusions or theories.
Basic Theoretical Research
In qualitative research, theory is defined as a paradigm. A researcher in his research activities, whether stated explicitly or not, apply certain paradigms so that research be directed. Theoretical basis of the qualitative approach are:
Phenomenological approach. In the phenomenological view, the researcher tried to understand the meaning and connection-related events on ordinary people in certain situations.
Symbolic interaction approach. In a symbolic interaction approach assumes that the object of people, situations and events do not have their own understanding, in turn meaning given to them. Dlberikan understanding people on the experience and interpretation process is an essential and decisive.
Cultural approach. To illustrate this perspective of culture according to a researcher may be able to think of an event in which men are expected to behave properly. Researchers with this approach says that what should be expected to behave in a cultural background.
Ethnometodology approach. Ethnometodology strive to understand how society views, clarify and describe the layout of their own lives. Ethnometodology trying to understand how people are starting to see, explain, and describe the regularity of the world in which they live. A qualitative researchers who apply this perspective to interpret events and social events in accordance with the viewpoint of the research object.
Position Paradigms In Qualitative Research Methods
Science is a branch of study related to the discovery and organization of facts, principles, and methods. From here it is understood that for otherwise as science, then the branch that studies should have elements of invention and organization, which includes organizing the facts or the facts, principles and methods. By Moleong these principles called axioms, which became the basis for scientists and researchers in the search for truth through research activities.
The grounds for doing that truth is usually called a paradigm, which by Bogdan and Biklen expressed as a loose collection of a number of assumptions that are held together, the concept or proposition that direct ways of thinking and research. There are various paradigms that underlie the activities of social sciences research. Diverse paradigms can not be separated from the existence of two intellectual traditions Logico Empiricism and Hermeneutics.
Logico Empiricism, is an intellectual tradition that bases itself on something real or factual, that completely sure. While hermeneutics, is an intellectual tradition which bases itself on something that was behind something factual, tangible or visible.
Qualitative research is research that tries to see the truths or justify the truth, but in seeing the truth, and not always be enough to get to see something real, but sometimes it is also necessary to see something that is hidden, and should investigate further into something tangible behind them.
The choice of a tradition which will be largely determined by the investigators pursued the objectives and types of data to be examined. Therefore, understanding the science paradigm is needed by researchers. For research activities, this paradigm is as a foundation footing or foundation to do more research process.
Paradigms In Research Methods
In order to collect the facts of scientists or researchers will first determine the basis or foundation for the research steps. The basis or foundation will serve as the principles or the basic assumptions or axioms, which in his language Moleong referred to as paradigms.
According to Bogdan and Biklen paradigm is expressed as a loose collection of a number of assumptions that are held together, the concept or proposition that direct ways of thinking and research.
Paradigm within the social sciences have a variety of so many, whether based on streams of thought Logico Empiricism and Hermeneutic. Each paradigm has advantages and disadvantages of each. Therefore, researchers must have a sufficient understanding of the rationale of existing paradigms, so before doing his research activities, researchers can choose the paradigm as a foundation of proper research.
According to Spencer Meta paradigm in the social sciences include (1) the perspective of evolutionism, (2) symbolic interactionism, (3) model of conflict, and (4) structural functional. According to George Ritzer paradigm in the social sciences consists of (1) social facts, (2) social definition, and (3) social behavior.
Difference and diversity paradigm and or theory development in social science, demanding that researchers examines them in order to choose the appropriate paradigm for the problems and research purposes.
Problem formulation RESEARCH
Formulation of Problem Definition and Function
Formulation of the problem is one step among several stages of research that has a very important position in research activities. Without the formulation of the problem, a research activity would be futile and will not even produce any results.
Formulation of research problems or questions or also known as research problems, interpreted as a statement that questioned a phenomenon, both in his capacity as an independent phenomenon, and in his capacity as interrelated phenomena among the phenomena with each other, either as cause or as effect.
Given the importance of formulating such a problem in research activities, to the point that raises a presumption that states that the activities done formulation of the problem, is an activity of half of the study itself.
Formulation of research problems can be divided into two properties, including the formulation of a descriptive problem, if no link between the phenomena, and the formulation of the problem eksplanatoris, when the formula shows the relationship or influence between two or more phenomena.
Formulation of the problem has the following functions namely first function is as a driver of research activities to be held or in other words to function as the cause of research activities that become available and can be done. The second function is as a guide, determine the direction or focus of an investigation. The formulation of this problem is not worthy to die, but can grow and change after investigators arrived at the field. The third function of the formulation of the problem, is as a determinant of what kind of data that need to be and should be collected by the researchers, as well as what data type is not necessary and should be set aside by the researcher. Decision to choose which data needs and data which do not need to be conducted by researcher, because through the formulation of the problem the researchers learned about how the relevant data and how the data are not relevant to his research activities. While all four functions of a formulation of the problem is with the formulation of research problems, the researchers menjadi be facilitated in determining who would be the population and sample research.
Problem Formulation criteria
There are at least three criteria, which are expected to be met in the formulation of research problems is the first criterion of a formulation of the problem is the intangible nature interrogative sentence or an interrogative sentences, both questions that require descriptive answers, or questions that need answers eksplanatoris, namely that connects two or more phenomena or symptoms in the life manusaia.
Both the criteria of a research problem is helpful or associated with efforts to establish and development theory in the sense that the solution is clear, it is hoped will be a significant theoretical contribution, both as creators of new theories as well as the development of theories that already exist.
The third criterion is that a good formulation of problems, also should be formulated within the context of the actual policies that are pragmatic, so that the solution offers all relevant policy implications, and can be applied to the process of solving real problems for human life.
With regard to the placement problem formulation, research, found several variations, including (1) There is a place at the very beginning of a systematics researchers, (2) There is a place after a background or together with background research and (3) There Others place it after the study objectives.
Regardless of where the research problem formulation is placed, actually not very important and will not interfere with research activities are concerned, because what matters is how the research activities were carried out with due regard to the formulation of a problem as the director of research activities. This means that the research activities carried out by anyone, should have properties that are consistent with the title and the formulation of the problem. The conclusion of a research activity, should re-refer to the title and research problem that has been formulated.
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Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Qualitative Research ... ? Is it hard!
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